What do we do ?
The RADIOELECTRIC DIVISIONof CGM TELECOMUNICACIONES S.L, offers technical assistance in measurements, analysis and
advice on the control actions to be adopted in the Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) of all frequencies constitute one of the most common environmental influences and
fastest growing about which there is growing anxiety and speculation, both in Public, Private and
work environments.
The sectors in which it is necessary to take special care are the following:
- Telecommunication Operators that have a network of radiocommunication stations
- Electrical Distribution Companies that install Transformation Centers, Power Lines Aerial and Underground
- Industries with electromagnetic emission sources such as Induction Furnaces, Industrial Equipment Arc welding, etc.
- Homes that need to evaluate the levels due to having some of the facilities previously mentioned located in its surroundings
- General companies that must evaluate the EMF levels existing in the surroundings of their offices.
- Public and Private Organizations
We are experts in
We are characterized by offering solutions for the
evaluation and control of Electromagnetic Radiations in complex multi-frequency environments, environmental evaluation of Electromagnetic Radiations and companies whose activity requires the control of exposure levels of Fields
Electromagnetics to which people are exposed.
Electromagnetic safety Work environment
Compliance with Directives
2004/40/EC 2008/46/EC
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Industrial electromagnetic safety
Solutions for
evaluation and control of Electromagnetic Radiation in complex multi-frequency environments
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Electromagnetic Safety Environmental
Environmental evaluation of Electromagnetic Radiations
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Radioelectric regulatory applications
In compliance with Directives 2004/40/EC and 2008/46/EC, the RADIO ELECTRIC DIVISION of CGM
TELECOMMUNICATIONS S.L. offers the following services:
Evaluation of levels of Electromagnetic Radiation to which workers are subjected, as well as verification of compliance with the maximum levels set by regulations
· Preparation of Electromagnetic Radiation maps, both indoors and outdoors, in order to determine safety distances
· Monitoring of Electromagnetic Radiation levels for prolonged periods
· Application of preventive, corrective and/or best practice solutions in the workplace
· Design and implementation of electromagnetic isolation or shielding solutions, in high and low frequency
· Advice and technical assistance to Own and Third Party Prevention Services by qualified personne
· Measurement and characterization of the levels of electromagnetic radiation in the environment, with identification of emission sources in the range 0Hz to 40GHz
· Level studies and detection of electromagnetic interference produced by, or towards, electronic devices, implemented in complex environments resulting from systems integration (Production Chains, Supermarkets, Hospitals, Data Processing Centers, Clean Rooms, etc.)
· Preparation of Electromagnetic Maps of the areas under analysis
· Evaluation of Electromagnetic Fields
· Design and implementation of electromagnetic shielding or shielding solutions, both at high and low malar frequencies.
· Electromagnetic Field Studies applicable to the Strategic Environmental Assessment of urban planning (whether general or development), to the Environmental Impact Assessment and to Environmental Sustainability Reports
· Studies for the detection and prevention of Electromagnetic Pollution
· Study of Electromagnetic Radiations in the surroundings of Mobile Telephony Base Stations, Radiocommunication Centers or Transmitters/Repeaters (WIFI, WIMAX, AM, FM, DTT, etc.), Transformation Centers or lines of transport and distribution of electrical energy, etc
· Evaluation of sensitive spaces (Schools, Kindergartens, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Squares, Public Parks, etc.)
· Preparation of Electromagnetic Maps of the Territory: Cities, Town Halls, Neighborhoods, Streets, etc.
Main projects carried out
· Coordination of works in the Mandarina de Orange project
· Project office and technical office for the modernization of a Telefónica switching center
· Fixed and mobile network inventory management for Orange and Telefónica
· Technical office for the integration of Jazztel and Telefónica OLTs
· Technical office for the inventory at Telefónica’s GEISER
· Project office for the deployment of Más Móvil’s FTTH network
· Project office for the deployment of Orange’s FTTH network
· Project office for the deployment of Orange’s FTTH network
· Technical office for the design of FTTH networks Orange
Legislation and regulations
Experience in external and internal plant engineering projects, base stations, FTTH and radio frequency, including layouts, plans, licenses and permits and technical-economic assessments
- Recommendation of the European Council of July 12, 1999 regarding exposure of the general public to Electromagnetic Fields (0Hz to 300GHz)
- Royal Decree 1066/2001, of September 28, which approves the Regulation that establishes the conditions of protection of public domain Radioelectric, restrictions on Radioelectric emissions and health protection measures against emissions Radioelectric
- Order CTE/23/2002, of January 11, which establishes conditions for the presentation of certain studies and certifications by radiocommunication service operators.
- DIRECTIVE 2004/40/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 29, 2004 on the minimum provisions of safety and health related to the exposure of workers to risks derived from physical agents (Fields Electromagnetic) – 18th specific Directive pursuant to Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC
- DIRECTIVE 2008/46/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 23, 2008 amending the Directive 2004/40/EC on the minimum health and safety provisions relating to the exposure of workers to the risks arising of physical agents (Electromagnetic Fields) – 18th specific Directive pursuant to Article 16(1) of the Directive 89/391/EEC
- NTP 234: Exposure to Radio Frequencies and Microwaves (I). Evaluation, National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work
- ITU-T Recommendation K.52: Guidance on compliance with limits of exposure of people to Fields Electromagnetic
- ETSI TR 101870: Fixed radio transmitter sites; Exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields; Guidelines for working conditions
- ICNIRP Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz)